
app_login Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 newAbsence /newAbsence Path does not match
14 get_absence_to_search /getAbsenceToSearch/{type} Path does not match
15 recapAbsenceUser /recapAbsenceUser Path does not match
16 recapAbsenceResp /recapAbsenceResp Path does not match
17 validationAbsence /validationAbsence Path does not match
18 authorizeAbsence /authorizeAbsence/{absenceId} Path does not match
19 refuseAbsence /refuseAbsence Path does not match
20 confirmAbsenceByIdAjax /confirmAbsenceByIdAjax Path does not match
21 tabAbsenceRanged /tabAbsenceRanged Path does not match
22 getInfosForTabAbsenceFromAjax /getInfosForTabAbsenceFromAjax Path does not match
23 tabDetailsAbsence /tabDetailsAbsence/{type} Path does not match
24 getHoursForAbsTab /getHoursForAbsTab Path does not match
25 checkAbsenceByDateAjax /checkAbsenceByDateAjax Path does not match
26 deleteAbsenceByIdAjax /deleteAbsenceByIdAjax Path does not match
27 getNbHoursAbsByDate /getNbHoursAbsByDate/{type} Path does not match
28 getAbsenceByIdAjax /getAbsenceByIdAjax/{absenceId} Path does not match
29 getIntervalDaysAjax /getIntervalDaysAjax Path does not match
30 getAbsenceNoValidate /getAbsenceNoValidate Path does not match
31 get_abs_renonciation /getAbsRenonciation Path does not match
32 get_half_abs /getHalfAbs Path does not match
33 tabRecapSoldCP /tabRecapSoldCP Path does not match
34 addCommentFromRespByIdAjax /addCommentFromRespByIdAjax Path does not match
35 extractAbsencesToStarlims /extractAbsencesToStarlims Path does not match
36 user_gestion /user_gestion Path does not match
37 change_user_informations /change_user_informations/{userId} Path does not match
38 create_user /create_user Path does not match
39 delete_infos_user /delete_infos_by_user/{userId} Path does not match
40 maj_totaux_by_user /majTotauxByUser/{userId} Path does not match
41 re_update_nb_days_absence /reUpdateNbDaysAbsence Path does not match
42 create_auto_hollidays /createAutoHollidays Path does not match
43 recreateDeletedMonths /recreateDeletedMonths Path does not match
44 recreateDeletedWeeks /recreateDeletedWeeks Path does not match
45 createDayBeforeHolliday /createDayBeforeHolliday Path does not match
46 testEnvoiMail /testEnvoiMail Path does not match
47 reset_compteur_by_user /resetCompteurByUser/{userId} Path does not match
48 newAlert /newAlert Path does not match
49 getAlertsByUser /getAlertsByUser Path does not match
50 getAlertsByResp /getAlertsByResp Path does not match
51 validAlert /validAlert/{alertId} Path does not match
52 seeAlert /seeAlert/{alertId} Path does not match
53 newAlertFromAjax /newAlertFromAjax Path does not match
54 getAlertByHourIdAjax /getAlertByHourIdAjax Path does not match
55 getAlertsDoneAjax /getAlertsDoneAjax Path does not match
56 archivageData /archivageData Path does not match
57 get_hours_to_search_archived /getHoursToSearchArchived/{type} Path does not match
58 recap_hours_page_user_archived /recap_hours_page_user_archived Path does not match
59 recap_hours_page_resp_archived /recap_hours_page_resp_archived Path does not match
60 daily_hours_id_archived_ajax /getDailyHoursByIdArchiveAjax/{id} Path does not match
61 getAbsenceByIdArchiveAjax /getAbsenceByIdArchiveAjax/{absenceId} Path does not match
62 recapAbsenceUserArchived /recapAbsenceUserArchived Path does not match
63 get_absence_to_search_archive /getAbsenceToSearchArchive Path does not match
64 recapAbsenceRespArchived /recapAbsenceRespArchived Path does not match
65 voteConcours /voteConcours Path does not match
66 validationPhotoConcours /validationPhotoConcours/{id} Path does not match
67 newDeplacement /newDeplacement Path does not match
68 getDeplacementToValidate /getDeplacementToValidate Path does not match
69 validateDeplacementByAjax /validateDeplacementByAjax Path does not match
70 getDeplacementByUser /getDeplacementByUser Path does not match
71 getDeplacementByResp /getDeplacementByResp Path does not match
72 MailNormec2024 /MailNormec2024 Path does not match
73 mailingQAI2024 /mailingQAI2024 Path does not match
74 testMail /testMail Path does not match
75 sendMailSalariesGone /sendMailSalariesGone/{type} Path does not match
76 newExpenseReport /newExpenseReport Path does not match
77 uploadFileFromNewExpenseReport /uploadFileFromNewExpenseReport Path does not match
78 delFileFromExpenseReport /delFileFromExpenseReport Path does not match
79 getNDFByMonth /getNDFByMonth Path does not match
80 open_file_ndf /openFileNDF/{userId}/{idNDF}/{fileName} Path does not match
81 validExpReportByIdAjax /validExpReportByIdAjax Path does not match
82 delExpReportByIdAjax /delExpReportByIdAjax Path does not match
83 getExpReportByIdNDFAjax /getExpReportByIdNDFAjax Path does not match
84 updateExpenseReportFromAjax /updateExpenseReportFromAjax Path does not match
85 clotureNDF /clotureNDF Path does not match
86 clotureNDFByAjax /clotureNDFByAjax Path does not match
87 getNDFToValidate /getNDFToValidate Path does not match
88 getNDFToValidateByUser /getNDFToValidateByUser/{userId}/{month}/{year}/{expRepMonthId} Path does not match
89 updateStatusExpRepMonthByAjax /updateStatusExpRepMonthByAjax Path does not match
90 getExpRepMonthByDateAjax /getExpRepMonthByDateAjax Path does not match
91 updateStatusExpRepAjax /updateStatusExpRepAjax Path does not match
92 renvoiExpRepByIdAjax /renvoiExpRepByIdAjax Path does not match
93 exportExpReportAjaxWavesoft /exportExpReportAjaxWavesoft Path does not match
94 exportDocByFileNameAjaxExpReport /exportDocByFileNameAjaxExpReport/{fileName} Path does not match
95 updatePaiementExpReportByAjax /updatePaiementExpReportByAjax Path does not match
96 rejetAllNDFByExpRepMonthIdAjax /rejetAllNDFByExpRepMonthIdAjax Path does not match
97 stockSignatureExpRepMonthAjax /stockSignatureExpRepMonthAjax Path does not match
98 getTypeFraisBySiteAjax /getTypeFraisBySiteAjax Path does not match
99 duplicateExpenseReport /duplicateExpenseReport Path does not match
100 newExpenseReportFromDailyHour /newExpenseReportFromDailyHour Path does not match
101 checkRepasByDailyHour /checkRepasByDailyHour Path does not match
102 addInviteByAjax /addInviteByAjax Path does not match
103 delInviteByAjax /delInviteByAjax Path does not match
104 createExcelAlert /createExcelAlert Path does not match
105 see_documents /seeDocuments Path does not match
106 open_file /openFile/{fileName} Path does not match
107 open_common_file /openCommonFile/{fileName} Path does not match
108 previsualizePDF /previsualizePDF/{fileName} Path does not match
109 generatePdfFromPrevisualization /generatePdfFromPrevisualization/{fileName} Path does not match
110 stockSignatureAjax /stockSignatureAjax Path does not match
111 downloadFile /downloadFile/{fileName} Path does not match
112 downloadFileByFileNameAndUserId /downloadFileByFileNameAndUserId/{fileName}/{userId} Path does not match
113 downloadCommonFile /downloadCommonFile/{fileName} Path does not match
114 getNotSignedPrime /getNotSignedPrime Path does not match
115 getDocsByResp /getDocsByResp Path does not match
116 loadPdfToSign /loadPdfToSign/{fileName} Path does not match
117 generatePdfFromForm /generatePdfFromForm/{fileName} Path does not match
118 get_resp_incendie /getRespIncendie Path does not match
119 create_resp_incendie /createRespIncendie Path does not match
120 update_resp_incendie /updateRespIncendie/{userId} Path does not match
121 delete_resp_incendie /deleteRespIncendie/{id} Path does not match
122 get_list_user_incendie /getListUserIncendie Path does not match
123 ocrtest /ocrtest Path does not match
124 create_new_paiement /createNewPaiement Path does not match
125 get_additional_hours_to_pay /getAdditionalHoursToPay Path does not match
126 get_paid_hours /getPaidHours/{role} Path does not match
127 planning_team /planningTeam/{type} Path does not match
128 update_planning /updatePlanning Path does not match
129 getAllRoles /getAllRoles Path does not match
130 addRole /addRole Path does not match
131 get_rtt /getRTT Path does not match
132 addRtt /addRtt Path does not match
133 app_login / Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.